Dan Powell’s MS Story

This is a touching and honest view of multiple sclerosis from the male perspective. Since the disease predominantly strikes females (as do most other autoimmune diseases), it’s interesting to view Dan’s story and see how MS affects a man’s life. He paints a realistic picture of the disease, but he still exhibits an indomitable spirit. The video was made in 2006.


  • Michelle

    What happened to Dan Powell?

  • Jen

    Good question. I Googled him and there are no other videos or follow-ups. I hope that he is still living his life the best that he can.

  • Dan powell

    I am still trucking along and happily teaching still full time. My condition has slowly become worse but I am, for the present, still in the game. My wife and I have separated, however, but remain very close. This disease does eventually take most things from you that you love. The trick is to accept what remains, and what is still possible.

  • Jen

    Thank you for updating, Dan. I hope the best for you and for all who live with this terrible disease. You are quite inspiring.

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