Walk MS

It’s April and the National Multiple Sclerosis Society’s Walk MS fundraising event is in full swing. There are many opportunities for walking participants to raise money and support MS research. You can walk as an individual or as part of a team (both as family/friends or as a corporate group.) There are also many volunteering opportunities available to help make the walk days run smoothly. Access these links for more information:

Find a Walk MS near you: This page helps walkers find local MS walks in their areas. There are regional and zip code breakdowns that make the process easy. There are links to register for walks, sponsor walkers, and also to donate.

Challenge Walk: Find one of the nine national challenge walks, which log 30-50 miles over a 2 to 3 day timeframe.

Send a Walk MS eCard: This page allows a participant to email family, friends, coworkers, and so on about registering to walk, joining teams, sponsoring him or her, and thanking sponsors after a walk.

My Participant Center (visit your chapter website and login): A place to email fundraising materials to sponsors, check fundraising progress, and communicate with other team members.

Team Up for More Fun: Find out how to create a team and be a Walk MS team captain. Tips and tools are included.

Volunteer: This is the route I’ve taken for the past three years. I help set up and man the registration tables, then welcome walkers back for the appreciation barbeque. Learn how you can volunteer at a walking event.


  • My husband signed us up for Denver’s walk and so far we have raised our fundraising goal twice because of all the support we have gotten. I think we have raised close to $700.00. It feels great to give back.

  • Jen

    Volunteering at the walk is actually pretty fun. For two years I was next to this funny lady who was such a skimper with the T-shirts. She would yell at the participants who would try to finagle more shirts out of her. This year Bill and I are going to a different location which is a little closer and I believe also closer to the water (the Atlantic.) Up near the boardwalk? That should be a scenic route.

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